Within EVENTS Project 23 Deliverables are foreseen. These documents reflect the project results and outcomes and are written and reviewed by the project experts. As soon as the documents are officially released, the Public Deliverables (PU) as well as an executive summary of the sensitive (SEN) ones will be provided on this section.

*R=Document, report | *DEC=Websites, patent filings, videos, etc | *DEM=Demonstrator, pilot, prototype

WP No Del No Deliverable Title Diss. level Type Month Leader
WP1 Del 1.1 Quality and Risk Management Plan PU R 03 ICCS
WP1 Del 1.2 Project repository and collaboration tool SEN DEC 04 ICCS
WP1 Del 1.3 Data Management Plan SEN R 06 WMG
WP1 Del 1.4 Revised Data Management Plan SEN R 30 WMG
WP2 Del 2.1 User and system requirements for selected use cases PU R 07 CRF
WP2 Del 2.2 Full Stack Architecture & Interfaces PU R 10 HIT-FR
WP2 Del 2.3 Vehicle System Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment PU R 12 APTIV-DE
WP3 Del 3.1 Perception Components Methods PU OTHER 16 TUD
WP3 Del 3.2 Perception System and Self-Assessment PU OTHER 24 TUD
WP4 Del 4.1 Initial version of motion planning and behavioural decision-making components PU OTHER 17 TECN
WP4 Del 4.2 Motion planning PU OTHER 24 TECN
WP4 Del 4.3 Behavioural decision-making PU OTHER 24 CRF
WP4 Del 4.4 Fail-Safe vehicle control PU OTHER 24 CRF
WP5 Del 5.1 System integration in the virtual testing setup PU DEM 26 TECN
WP5 Del 5.2 System integration in the prototype vehicles SEN DEM 30 CRF
WP5 Del 5.3 System SOTIF compliance test report PU R 30 APTIV-DE
WP6 Del 6.1 Experimental procedures and evaluation methods PU R 21 ICCS
WP6 Del 6.2 Technical evaluation results PU R 36 CRF
WP6 Del 6.3 Sensor suites analysis PU R 36 HIT-FR
WP7 Del 7.1 EVENTS Communication, Dissemination, and social awareness PU R 06 SEAB
WP7 Del 7.2 Initial EVENTS Exploitation plan, Innovation map & Standardization activities SEN R 18 WMG
WP7 Del 7.3 Intermediate EVENTS Communication, Dissemination, and social awareness PU R 18 SEAB
WP7 Del 7.4 Final EVENTS Communication, Dissemination, and social awareness PU R 36 SEAB
WP7 Del 7.5 Final EVENTS Exploitation plan, Innovation map & Standardization activities SEN R 36 SEAB