EVENTS project has received funding under grant agreement No 101069614. It is funded by the European Union.
Responsibility for the content of this website lies entirely with the EVENTS consortium. The information provided in this website has been prepared exclusively for the purpose of providing information about the EVENTS project and related work and activities. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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EVENTS consortium has tried to ensure that all information provided in this website is correct at the time it was included. However, no representation is made or warranty given as to the completeness, accuracy and constant update of the information contained in this website.
The copyright for the material contained in this website belongs to EVENTS consortium. The technology or processes described at this website may be subject to other intellectual property rights reserved by the EVENTS consortium or by third parties in various countries. No license is granted in respect to these intellectual property rights.
By accessing this website, you agree that EVENTS consortium will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or any consequential loss arising from the use of the information contained in this website or from your access to any other information on the internet via hyperlinks.
No information contained in this website can be considered as a suggestion to infringe patents. EVENTS consortium disclaims any liability that may be claimed for infringement or alleged infringement of patents. This website is an offer of information from EVENTS project team.
This website uses Google analytics (see the Website Privacy Policy below).
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GR-15773, Athens GREECE
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Website Privacy Policy
1. EVENTS Website Privacy Policy
EVENTS website is running Analytics Google for keeping usage statistics for reporting reasons.
1.1 About EVENTS and Google Analytics
EVENTS project has received funding under grant agreement No 101069614. It is funded by the European Union. The vision of EVENTS is to create a robust and resilient1 perception and decision-making system for CAVs to manage various types of “events” on the horizon. EVENTS will allow overcoming the current CAV ODD limitations due to the dynamic changing road environment (VRUs, obstacles) and/or due to imperfect data (e.g. sensor and communication failures), while ensuring continuous and safe operation. In EVENTS, in case the system or some of the subsystems cannot perform with the expected quality and reliability an improved minimum risk manoeuvre is triggered
EVENTS website is hosted by, a hosting partner – provider of ZuluPixels company in Greece.
EVENTS website Google Analytics is used to measure the number of visits and other visitors’ statistics in order to collect data about the popularity of the website. Google Analytics is Google’s free web analytics service and one of the most popular digital analytics software.
1.2 Purpose of the processing
Google Analytics are used to analyse the behaviour of the website visitors. For more information about the personal data that are processed by Google Analytics please visit Google Analytics data privacy policy available here:
2. Contact via E-mail
When you contact us via email the data that you send us (email address, possibly name and contact data such as telephone number) will be saved in order to respond to your inquiries or commentaries. These data will be deleted when storage is no longer necessary for the purpose of exchange with you.